Ատամնաբուժական մանրադիտակ ZEISS OPMI pico


Ultra Dent clinic is equipped with the modern dental microscope ZEISS OPMI pico, which provides the unique opportunities for saving even the “hopeless” teeth.

By magnifying vision up to 25 times, it allows to see all the nuances of the tooth anatomical structures and get a reliable and long term results for difficult endodontic treatments. Also the microscope has a special LED system, which provides a complete identification of the tooth cavity anatomy  for the endodontist and guarantees  the quality of the treatment.          

The usage of microscope is very important especially in previously unsuccessful endodontic treatments, when the natural outlines and root canals are already changed.

The working process with the microscope for endodontist includes the complex of actions aimed at cleaning and shaping the root canals, followed by effective disinfection, canal filling.

The technology is applied

-when determining the number of root canals including even their most inconspicuous ones

-when treating and filling the teeth with atypical structure

-when analyzing the degree of the intracanal space

-when extracting the broken instruments from the root canal

-when retreating not properly preformed root canal treatments

-when detecting the hidden cracks or perforations in roots

-when identifying the source of secondary endodontic infections in root

The work with this kind of equipment demands from the doctor specific skills and experience. In Ultra Dent clinic treatments with the microscope are carried out by the endodontists who have completed a practical courses.

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